Stop Googling for Production Companies Near Me

Let’s talk about taking your conferences from good to unforgettable. One key element? Choosing the right production company – and the practical steps that revolve around making your experience the star of the show.

Strategic Location Choices

At avad3, we’re all about making things excellent for our clients. The question is, when do you cast your net wider and explore bids from production companies beyond your city limits? Sure, moving your conference every year is a challenge, and sticking to a local A/V crew might seem like the easy choice. But let’s think strategically about your conference’s needs. Do you have enough local resources, or is it time to think beyond your city borders?


Weighing the Cost of Travel

Venturing beyond your city means dealing with additional costs – flights, trucking, and more. However, when it comes to the grand budget scheme, those costs are just a fraction, often less than 5%. The benefits of competitive bids are well worth it when it comes to producing your biggest day of the year. When you’re crunching numbers, think about the impact on your budget. With a bit extra for top-notch services and a competitive edge, your message will be seamlessly seen, heard, and experienced, which can make that 5% a savvy investment.

Survey Your City’s Production Landscape

Take a good look around your current city. If you’re in a bustling metropolis like Los Angeles or New York, staying local might be the way to go. But in cities like San-Antonio or Tucson, where options might be a bit sparse, broadening your horizons could be a game-changer. You might be surprised what you find when you put out an RFP to reach a national production company.

Streamlining Your Planning Process

Efficiency is the key. Working with a national production company can streamline your planning process, especially if you are on a smaller event planning team. Consistency year after year means less planning workload and overhead for you. In the end, you save money and time when you don’t have to communicate the same thing to different vendors year over year.

Prioritizing Smart Travel Choices

When it comes to a national event production partner, you’ll need someone who can meet you where you are. Location matters; and a nationally central location is advantageous for wherever you have your next conference. We are based out of Arkansas, which puts us in the center of the country, and may be a smarter choice compared to choosing a team from New York City or Hollywood.

When choosing a national production company, look for those who’ve mastered the art of efficient travel. Companies used to life on the road, like avad3, know how to do it economically, while giving you the assurance of a consistent partner.

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Stop starting over with a new A/V person at every venue you use. You could have one production team to contact, that comes with you to every event you manage.