Walton Enterprises
How this Large Enterprise Hosted a Successful Hybrid Event in Collaboration with an Agency
- Audio
- Video
- Lighting
- Livestream
- Remote Presentation
For this particular event, the scope and needs were broader than the room itself. C-suite presenters and high-level guests were slated to join this event over the course of multiple days. With many details, large creative ideas, and in need of a flawless event, this large enterprise hired an agency to take care of the details. During the planning process, this agency needed technical support to ensure a flawless event and execute all creative ideas.

This event did not have separate breakouts, this allowed for all the budget and effort to be put into one collective area. Cameras, lights, and high-quality professional audio made every seat feel like a front-row seat. For attendees not in person, a hybrid live stream was available. A high-level remote presenter also needed last-minute support. Our team quickly stepped in to ensure a flawless presentation. For those attending, large screens displayed information, and presenters were supported by a stage with a beautiful creative design thanks to the creative support of the agency.
We are proud to serve and support agencies with their meetings and events. This event acts as a great example of collaboration between a creative organization and our technical team of experts, all coming together to create a flawless event for high-level guests.